Home Innovation on the railway Innovation network for railway maintenance

Innovation network for railway maintenance

The network is for anyone who wants to help drive innovation in condition-based and predictive maintenance in the railway sector.

The aim of the network is to increase innovation and technology development in condition-based and predictive maintenance on the railway by forging relationships, strengthening collaboration across stakeholders and providing access to the latest advances in this field.

The network consists of more than 100 committed and skilled professionals from approximately 50 organisations from the railway sector, universities, research institutions and industry. See the overview at the bottom of the page.

The innovation network on inspection at Hell bru test arena.
The innovation network on inspection at Hell bru test arena.

As a participant in the network, you will:

  • network with specialists in condition-based and predictive maintenance
  • have the opportunity to participate in national and international projects and pilots
  • take part in national seminars and international conferences
  • get access to the latest research and innovation in condition-based and predictive maintenance
  • be invited to network meetings and technical visits (4-6 activities per year)

Activity calendar 2025

DateActivityLocationEvents organized by JdirExternal events
6 FebruaryHybrid seminar 1 – Optical fibresx
20 MarchRailway ForumOslo Congress Centre x
2 MayHybrid seminar 2x
14–15 MayThe Rise of IoT & Big Data in RailColognex
27 MayNetworking event, TBDx
14 JuneLaunch of international test arena for railway technology,Narvikx
20 AugustHybrid seminar 3x
24 SeptemberHybrid seminar 4x
5 NovemberNetwork gatheringx
17–21 NovemberRail Research Week 2025Colorado Springsx
The events marked with Jdir are organised by the Norwegian Railway Directorate and/or members of the network. Those marked with external events are relevant to the subject area.

Contact persons

Stefano Derosa

Stefano Derosa

Ann Kristin Bjerknes

Ann Kristin Bjerknes

Companies participating in the network

Image of the logos of the participants in the innovation network