Contact details
The information you need to get in touch with the Norwegian Railway Directorate can be found here.
Central switchboard
- Telephone: +47 45 97 88 00
- Email adress:
Visiting adresses:
- Oslo: Biskop Gunnerusgate 14, 0185 Oslo
- Bergen: Nygårdsgaten 112, 5008 Bergen
- Trondheim: Professor Brochsgate 2, 7030 Trondheim
Press contact
Any enquiries from the mass media may be addressed directly to:

Bank details
- Bank giro: 76940517628
- IBAN number: NO31 7694 0517 628
- Organization number: 916810962
- Invoice adress: Jernbanedirektoratet, DFØ Trondheim, Postboks 4746, 7468 Trondheim