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International cooperation

The Norwegian railway network is part of the Single European Railway Area (SERA) and through the EEA-Agreement Norway is obliged to follow the relevant EU railway legislation. Participating in international railway related cooperations is important to ensure that Norwegian interests are sufficiently taken into account in development of new legislation and standards.

The players of the Norwegian railway sector are involved in several international transport and railway related cooperations, both as authorities and as stakeholders. To ensure consistency between Norwegian initiatives and views presented in these cooperations, the Railway Directorate hosts an international coordination forum where important information is exchanged and discussed.

This forum consist of those working on international issues in the Ministry of Transport and Communications, the Norwegian Railway Authority, Bane NOR and the Norwegian Railway Directorate. The forum meets four times a year to exchange relevant information, in addition to providing opportunities for rapid informal contacts between the parties when necessary.

Europe’s Rail is the most important arena for international coordination of railway innovation over the next ten years, but the Norwegian Railway Directorate is also involved in other forums for international coordination.

Spansk høyhastighettogOve Skovdahl
Spanish high-speed train.

UITP – The International Passenger Transport Union


The Norwegian Railway Directorate is a member of UITP. UITP has 1900 member organisations from 100 countries. UITP works with local and regional passenger transport in a wide range of disciplines.

The organisation publishes specialist material and statistics, organises conferences and exhibitions and runs training programmes. UITP organises a number of courses and seminars at a high professional level.

UITP has 10 technical committees. The Norwegian Railway Directorate is a member of the Regional and Suburban Rail Committee (RSR) and Sustainable Development (SD). UITP’s EU Committee is also an important forum for updates on European public transport legislation. Read more about UITP.

ERRAC – European co-operation on railway research

ERRAC logo

The European Rail Research Advisory Council (ERRAC) is a collaboration between approximately 50 European railway stakeholders.

The purpose is to map and communicate the railway sector’s future research and innovation needs. The Norwegian Railway Directorate is a member of this organisation from 2023.

ERRAC developed the Strategic Railway Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA), which is the basis for the work currently being carried out in Europe’s Rail. ERRAC is currently working on the next version of the Railway Research and Innovation Agenda (RRIA), which will be among the foundations for further railway research after Europe’s Rail as we know it today. Read more about ERRAC.

IRP – International Rail Passenger Platform

The Platform on International Rail Passenger Transport (IRP) was established in 2021 as a collaboration between the transport ministries of 27 European countries, with the aim of further developing passenger rail transport in Europe. At the request of the Ministry of Transport and Communications, the Norwegian Railway Directorate represents Norway in this work.

The co-operation reports annually to national and European transport authorities. The Dutch Ministry of Transport has a leading role in the IRP and the report delivered in the summer of 2023 can be found here. The IRP co-operation does not have its own website.

UIC – International Union of Railways

UIC logo

The UIC (established in 1922) has 68 active members, mainly railway companies around the world.

When associate and affiliated members are included, the UIC consists of 210 organisations. Bane NOR is an active Norwegian member and is involved in several infrastructure-related professional groups. Entur AS and Norske Tog AS are affiliated members. UIC organises a number of courses and events at a high professional level. Read more about UIC.

Other organisations

Other important railway collaborations in Europe:

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Ove Skovdahl

Ove Skovdahl